Basics about Databases


A ChessBase Database is a collection of related Chess information. A Chess database in ChessBase is a searchable collection of chess games.

You can easily create new Databases with Fritz or ChessBase. In ChessBase 13, go to Menu File - New - Database to open the dialog window “New Database”.

In Fritz 15 it  works in the same way.

The Dialog box that is open is the typical Windows File dialog.Navigate to the Directory location you want to save the new database. In the File Name portion of the window, edit the file name to be whatever you want to call your database file. Click OK to close the Window.

You can open a Game from the Database if you double click on the item in the Game list.

The Board window is used to follow, analyse or enter Moves. The board window consist other "Panes" which you can rearrange and switch on or off in the menu View.




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